Mindless Eating

We make around 200 decisions regarding food daily, many which are unconscious and influenced by our environment Our environment influences us in ways we cannot consciously realize, therefore by understanding your how you are sueded we can better control our health “The best diet is one you don’t know you are on.” Food is a pleasure in life so therefore it is something that shouldn’t … Continue reading Mindless Eating

50 Secrets of the Longest Living People

Longevity is defined by Webster’s English Dictionary as, “a long duration of an individual’s life.” Around the world medical advancements and technological improvements have consistently increased the lifespan all around the globe. The average lifespan in the United States is currently 78.74 and has been increasing 1-2 years per decade since the mid 1970’s. While technology has prolonged life, it seems those added years are … Continue reading 50 Secrets of the Longest Living People